Sunday, March 11, 2018

Chickies & Ducklings, Oh My!

Alright it's been a while, but I'm so happy to say that after years of wanting some of my very own, I bought some chicks!
Then two days later, I bought ducklings.
Then I kept buying more of each until I sit at 6 ducklings and 8 chicks.
I am in love.
After doing some research, I came up with a list of chicken breeds I'd like to have, based on the amount of eggs they're known to lay (I want enough to feed us, and have some leftover to share or sell).
I decided to go to my local Tractor Supply and see just what kind of supplies I could find there for when I DO have chickens.
Wouldn't you know? They had actual chicks there and ducklings.
I'll take 4.
Well I loved my chicks so much, I had to have ducklings. ...and so the story goes.
As I mentioned earlier, that's 14 in total. I actually have no idea what ducklings I have yet (though the most common are Peking, and I may have Runners). Time will tell.
My chicks on the other hand, well, I have 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Wyandotte, and 4 Plymouth Rocks.
You'll know which are my Plymouth Rocks based on the white spots on their head. Cuteness. Overload.
So before I delve into feeding, brooding, and the likes, I just wanted to take a moment to brag about my sweet little babies.
'Til next time! Enjoy the cuteness!
Rhode Island Reds:
I had the most fun with the Plymouth Rock chicks. Just so content to hang out!
And last but not least, yep! A box of ducks! I was cleaning out their house and plopped them in a nearby box. Photo opp? Indeed.

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